Folklore in the stories of Khairi Shalabi: A cultural approach
This study illustrates the folkloric themes of Khairi Shalabi's stories through citations from his short story collection "Reasons for Burning with...
This study illustrates the folkloric themes of Khairi Shalabi's stories through citations from his short story collection "Reasons for Burning with...
The Arab oral tradition of which Zajal is a part is often recognised as one of the most significant aspects of Arab culture. In addition to being a rich source...
Using the example of the mountain village of Chenini Tataouine in south-eastern Tunisia, this study demonstrates the distinctiveness of the residential space...
With this issue of our quarterly "Folk Culture Journal," dedicated to the same niche approach, we have completed our fifteenth year of consistent publication...
For many people in Morocco, Algeria and other parts of Africa, the Tijaniyyah Sufi tariqa (order or path) is the most well-known and widely practised Sufi...
Zabid's buildings have two features that distinguish them from other Yemeni architecture. The first is their relatively simple structure, which often consists...
Zar is a set of rituals that include dancing and singing that are performed to appease or drive away jinn who share these characteristics – Muslim,...
Using the example of the mountain village of Chenini Tataouine in south-eastern Tunisia, this study demonstrates the distinctiveness of the residential space...
The Kachabia is a type of traditional clothing for men that is commonly worn in the colder months. It is distinctive and unlike the burnous. The boubou is...
Anthropology seeks to understand the implications and relationships of social phenomena by studying social structures in their various forms and activities as...
The Arab oral tradition of which Zajal is a part is often recognised as one of the most significant aspects of Arab culture. In addition to being a rich source...
In terms of the poetic legacy of the Levant, the folk song stands out. It's a traditional tune that first surfaced in the Levant and Syria at the turn of the...
This study illustrates the folkloric themes of Khairi Shalabi's stories through citations from his short story collection "Reasons for Burning with...