A quarterly specialized journal
The Message Of Folklore from Bahrain To The World

‏Globalization and cultural peculiarity

Issue 24
‏Globalization and cultural peculiarity

‏Globalization is one of the largest transformations in history. Its influences and values have affected all aspects of human life; globalization has had technical, political, cultural and ideological impacts as well as economic and commercial implications. It invades societies and intrudes upon histories, national identities, geography, demographics, and ways of thinking.

‏Globalization is reshaping our planet, powerfully imposing daily realities, accelerating economic and technological changes, and dominating scientific research and control of the media. It makes us question traditional knowledge, inherited thinking and symbolic systems, leading to an infinite number of discrepancies and challenges.

‏Its effects and associations have given intellectuals, philosophers and sociologists a wide range of insights that they can use to re-evaluate human existence, the meaning of life, destiny, the foundations of civilization, human relationships, and the struggle between materialism and idealism.

‏In this context, this paper points out that globalization is not imposed against people’s will. It takes over people’s thinking because aspects of globalization are very attractive. Researchers associate globalization with ‘soft power’ or ‘the New Fascism with a smile’.
‏Youth experience the greatest exposure to globalization through education, the media, computers and the Internet. This segment of society is easy to globalize because young people are attracted to the modern and to the new culture that accompanies globalization.

‏After decades of globalization’s gradual spread throughout the world, it is imperative to examine the concepts that have spread with globalization. Societies should be well-informed so they can formulate an objective view of globalization and manage the changes that it brings. The Arab region is strategically located because of its oil wealth and human resources, and these elements play an important role in globalization. Arabs need to claim their position on the world map.

Zahi Nadhir

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