A quarterly specialized journal
The Message Of Folklore from Bahrain To The World

Al Allawi Dance (Moroccan Dabkah)

Issue 26
Al Allawi Dance (Moroccan Dabkah)

Moroccan and Algerian folk heritage share a number of common features and aspects. The shared origins of the tribes and families of the two countries, their geographic location and their shared destiny affect the nature of the culture of the peoples in these two neighbouring countries.

This common artistic heritage, which includes traditional costumes, food, music and dance, shapes the identity and sentiments of both peoples, uniting their characters and allowing them to confront the challenges of cultural invasion and the negative influence of modern modes of communication, which are spreading through the communities.

Globalisation still poses strong challenges, endangering the identity and culture of both peoples. As a result, it is vital that we create a common cultural and heritage-related environment on Morocco’s eastern borders and Algeria’s western borders in order to preserve their shared cultural identity, taking into account the younger generations. The media must also promote this cultural environment to enhance the unity of both peoples and to abolish the differences that resulted from colonisation.

Comprehensive  development is intended to develop the sense of solidarity and coexistence between the peoples of both nations, because the younger generation knows little or nothing about their authentic culture. Such a cultural environment can have a positive economic impact by attracting tourists, and promoting culture. If heritage is protected and rendered immune to the negative impact of globalisation, this will lead to comprehensive regional development.

Al Zubair Mihdad

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